Product Details
+Apple Rubinette
Claimed to be ‘the best tasting apple in the world’, late dessert Apple Rubinette was bred from Apples Cox’s Orange Pippin and Golden Delicious in Switzerland in 1966, and takes after its illustrious Cox parent. The fruit is beautifully streaked and flushed with orange-red; it is small, but increases in size as the tree matures. The flesh is creamy-yellow, aromatic and sweet, with a rich, scented flavour and good acid balance. The tree is moderately vigorous, upright and spreading, and a heavy cropper. Spur-bearer. Apple Rubinette has good frost-resistance, but some susceptibility to scab and mildew, so is better for cold rather than wet areas. Needs a good site.
Site: Some shelter
Soil: Any reasonably well drained, fertile soil
Position: Full sun
Pick: Late September
Keep: October–November
Hardiness: Hardy
Pollination: Self-fertile. Pollination Group 3 (pollinates with Groups 2, 3 and 4)
Uses: Eating
During the bareroot season, our apples are pre pruned before being dispatched by mail order.